(Source: Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad) MARC AFFIRMS ITS AAA(fg) RATING ON SEGI ASTANA SDN BHD'S RM470.0 MILLION GUARANTEED MTN PROGRAMME Dec 13, 2013 - MARC has affirmed its rating of AAA(fg) on Segi Astana Sdn Bhd's (Segi Astana) RM470.0 million Medium Term Notes (MTN) programme with a stable outlook. The rating is underpinned by the unconditional and irrevocable financial insurer guarantee provided by Danajamin Nasional Berhad (Danajamin). MARC currently rates Danajamin's financial strength as AAA/Stable on the basis of its status as a government-sponsored financial guarantee insurer and perceived high support from the government to facilitate greater corporate access to the...